Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Us, the needy

Aka ... about the need paradox :p

A couple of tens of thousands years before we lived with simple needs, satisfying many of them directly from what nature had to offer: air, water, sun, food and a fine woman. However, the last thousands of years we did everything within our power to diversify these needs as much as possible, inventing others after others, more and more complex and being more and more difficult to satisfy.

Now I work thousands of hours to produce enough currency to satisfy these needs. And throughout the whole year I crave for that week which I spend exactly the way I like it most: wandering the woods, eating blackberries and drinking spring water; and spending the night outside, near the fire, beneath the moon and the stars, "breaking" the waist of a fine woman. ("break"=hold tightly :) )

Pentru limba romana apasati UNU.

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